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Balenciaga Triple S Sneaker "Pink White" White 1:1 replica,The appearance is exactly the same as the official website,and authentic Balenciaga Triple S all come from the same city factory. We have the best batch (best reps). We gurantee good prices (You will get what you paid). Do NOT bait and switch. As you know, bad quality will ruin our reputation. We are on the way to be a known trusted seller.
No worries if you order from us, we are reliable seller,take care of our customers, quick and good customer service, you will have no risk to receive wrong products or obviously flaws products, and shipping is fast.
All pictures and videos are from real shooting.
* The model is over 18 years old and belongs to an adult.
The Balenciaga Triple S Trainer finds inspiration in the sports of track and field, basketball and running for a provocative athletic interpretation. First released in September 2017, this 2018 reissue boasts a mesh, nubuck and leather upper treated with a worn finish. A logo badge updates the tongue while an embroidered logo on the quarter panel and sizing on the toe are retained for authentic style. Its triple-stacked rubber sole pops with bold red inserts.
Helmed by legendary fashion designer Demna Gvasalia, Balenciaga is taken in a new modern direction with the Triple S Sneaker iconized for its progressive athletic identity. This issue goes full tonal in Vanille mesh, nubuck and leather with hiking-style laces and dual pull tabs. The signature synthetic tongue badge and embroidered sizing on the toe's edge are retained. For a vintage feel, the triple-layered rubber sole is finished with a worn effect.
Style:Mens Womens Unisex,Leather,Rubber,Comfortable textile lining,Low,Made In China.
The Balenciaga Triple S Sneaker in Allover Logo Pink is a stylish and trendy footwear option. Designed by the renowned brand Balenciaga, these sneakers feature a unique, eye-catching allover logo pattern. With their pink colorway, these sneakers are perfect for adding a pop of color to any outfit. Made with high-quality materials, these shoes are not only fashionable but also comfortable and durable. Suitable for women, these sneakers are a must-have for any sneaker enthusiast.
The sportswear brand's signature Three Stripes can be found on the lateral next to the fashion house's logo. Elsewhere, the lacing system arrives with mini Three Stripes, while the tongue tabs and heels don co-branding. The white and gray midsoles, as well as the wearer's shoe size on the toe round off the footwear style.